Monday, February 4, 2013

Perfect Rec is Perfect

Hey ya'll,
For anyone who's interested, here's a link to the first issue of Princeless, a beautiful, wonderful, pretty-much perfect comic book featuring a fantastic protagonist.

I've only read the first issue so far, but I'm planning to buy the trade soon. Princeless stars protagonist Princess Adrienne and her dragon Sparky, and is both funny and thoughtful.

Seriously though. Read the first few pages, at least. Then you'll be hooked. Trust me. The first two pages are posted below for your convenience (I couldn't find page 3, sadly). Check them out!

Here's a link to a wonderful interview by the author.


  1. That's pretty cool. I like that!

    1. Thanks! If you want to read more, the link is in the name. The first issue is fantastic. I just ordered the trade, so hopefully I'll get a chance to read the other issues soon.

  2. This is not only awesome but also hilarious LOL
